
Friday, 10 June 2011

Facebook Etiquette

If I comment on a friend's status, is it OK for a friend of theirs, who I don't know, to then address a response to me?

A friends daughter is getting bullied and I responded that I felt that if the bullies parents are aware of what their kids are doing but they're doing nothing about it, then that is bad parenting.  This prompted a lengthy response from her friend, lets call her Missy Moo.

So, Missy Moo basically reprimands me and says I am not being fair as my children could be bullies and ALL (yes, in capitals) ALL children act differently at school than when they are with us, their parents and NONE of us know what evil our children are up to.

I replied as calmly as possible but I really wanted to tell her to sod off.  I don't know Missy Moo and she's probably a very nice woman & all that but really??? Is it right to tell someone off for saying, "if parents allow their kids to be parasites, they are sh*t parents"? Missy Moo thought I was being unfair and disagreed so strongly that she kept responding.  To top it off, my friend said something along the lines of, 'ooh calm down you two and agree to disagree'. 

So, I deleted my three responses and left Missy Moo to argue with herself and just said that I had deleted my opinion and just hoped the little girl was allowed to enjoy school & learn. 

We need these guys!
I HATE BULLIES and I think they should be chucked out of school if they repeatedly do not respond positively to discipline.  They should be put on an island with other anti social folk and made to start from scratch, learning basic manners and taught stuff, like names of tree's and capitals of countries etc They should have their Nintendo DS' taken away and be made to read books and help old ladies across the street.  

Depending on the severity of the bullying, the bullies need to be punished accordingly.  I work in an environment where so much responsibility is passed on to others.
Unfortunately, the bullies seem to be winning at the moment. 

We need someone like Kick Ass to make a stand and sort out where the law, politicians, judges and parents have messed up.

You could see me in a green wet suit, mask & nun chukas near your town very soon!


  1. I was bullied at school and I have to say that I think perhaps the parents should shoulder some of the blame. Children need to know where their boundaries are. They also need to learn respect. Both of these things need addressing now more than ever, because I dont see either of them existing in today's society, sadly.

    So, yep Im with you on this one Deb!!!!

    Cheryl (from tesco's LOL!)

  2. Light Being -
    I'm not sure if things have got worse or whether as I am older and now a mum, that I just think about the bad stuff more. I do think political correctness, human rights and law have messed things up a lot.

    There seems to be no discipline or fear of consequence and often, the victim is not protected but the culprit is.

    We need new revised laws and to get rid of a lot of hangers on, who seem to be getting paid to put obstacles in the way of justice.

    Also, the MP's are so detatched from reality and do not know themselves what should be done with criminals, especially minors.

    And I am really sorry that you were bullied. Lets hope your bullies contracted severe and permanent thrush, cystitis and flatulence.


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